Saturday, August 1, 2009

LOng time, some weight loss

So life in the weight loss area has been kinda hard. Not dedicating myself completely to the weight loss area as I should, but we are slowly and steadily seeing the difference.

Ben is still having a tough time stuck on a plateau. He can't seem to get out of the 260's.

I finally broke 200 and am now weighing in around 196. It's funny, because I think that's what I weighed on my wedding day, but my body is completely different now.

We have a lot more to lose, but for now, I am happy with the progress.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

weight loss journey, thus far.

Last year at this time, Ben, Hayden, Ady and I were all camping with the family at SISCRA. I was looking at the pictures of then, 1 year ago exactly, and this is what I saw... I can't believe how fat we were.


We are still kinda chubby, but today we are on our way to a happier, healthier life, and "I'm Lovin' It!" (and not in a McDonalds kinda way!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weight reduction!

Even tough we have our rough times, Ben and I are still managing to lose weight. YAY!

I went to weight watcher's this week and lost 2.6 pounds making it a total of 27.8 lost. (down to 200.4 pounds, the lowest i have been since having kids) It's coming off, slowly, but surely. The 10th also came around and we measured ourselves again! The inches are adding up for both of us. I have lost 20.75 inches altogether and Ben has lost 18 inches. Yay us, again!

Ben has been having a hard time with gaining and losing, but this week he managed to lose again 5 whopping pounds, bringing him down to 260.5! Next week, i am sure, he will be in the 250's.

I think we are starting to see results, but it's hard for us to tell, cause we "see" ourselves every day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 it that time again?

Well, this week has been my worst week for weight lost.... minus 0.2 pounds... you have got to be kidding me. I guess it will make me try harder for next week.

Ben has been having a hard time as well. He will loose it and gain it and has been doing that for a month now. He can't seem to get under 260. We will see what this new week brings.


Monday, June 1, 2009

IT's been a while since i blogged here....

So here you all go!

This week I lost 3 pounds making it 25 pounds lost. I reached my 10% body fat lost, and got a cool key chain to show it off... on top of that i got a 25 pound "weight" to put on it... Yay for me!

Ben weighs in tomorrow! I will let you know how that goes!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weigh in time

Well this week was by far, the worst weight loss week for me... down .8 pounds. I guess its better than gaining. That makes 22 pounds total lost. about 50 more to go.

Ben did well, last week he gained 4 pounds, but this week he lost all of that and some. He is down another 5.5 pounds! Way to go Ben~! That makes 27 pounds lost for him~!

I have been having a real hard time not wanting to shove everything i see, smell and think about, in my face. I haven't been making good food decision, and I have been eating. I am trying to do better, but it's been hard. Plus, next week, we don't have weight watchers, due to memorial day... so lets hope i can keep up the good eating, exercising, and happiness!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday weigh in!

Monday has come and gone, and so has weigh in for weight watchers! I was absolutely dreading going to this meeting, due to the fact that I had not eaten the best, saturday or sunday.


Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. i lost 4.8 pounds! That totals 21.something weight loss! Almost lost 10 percent of my fat! Yeah! We measure ourselves on the 10th of each month, to see if we are getting "smaller" Thus far. I have lost 17 inches! Yay! Progress!

Way to go. ME!

Ben, on the otherhand, gained 3.5 pounds?!!! We are still trying to figure this out! Although 5 out of the 7 days, he went over! Ben still has lost an amazing 16 inches! And we are seeing the results of his weight loss. He is looking fabulous!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ben's weight loss upday.

Ben lost an amazing 2.5 pounds this week, making his weight loss total 25 pounds... He's offically half way there... Way to go Ben.

Plus, we measure ourselves this Sunday!... I will post how many inches we lost altogether... keep your fingers crossed for me PLEASE!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday Weigh in...

I worked out the most I ever have last week.

I even did a 5k.

What do I have to show for it?

1 pound of weight loss.


Ben's results to come tomorrow!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What we are doing...

On March 16th, 2009 i ventured into Weight Watchers. Ben and I had been working out since January, and had seen no weight loss.

Boy, was I discouraged when I got home from my first meeting. I thought this lifestyle change was impossible.

I was wrong.

Way wrong.

If you don't know about weight watchers... let me inform you. Weight watchers goes off of a points value system. According to your weight, your activity level at work, age, and some other things, you are given a set amount of points, take you are required to use up in one day. Each time you loose some weight, the points go down. For Ben, he started with 47. I started with 32. In my mind, i thought there was no way, that I could get enough food, just eating 32 points a day. Yet again, I was wrong, and I have a hard time using all the points in one day.

Also, you are given 35 extra points a week, in case you have a special occasion or go over a few times during the week. You can use these points however you see fit! Also, with exercising, you can gain points for the intensity level at which you perform, and the minutes you use as well.

Weight watchers lets you choose the foods you eat, but encourages you to eat healthy and make better choices! They encourage all participants to come to weekly meetings, for help and support, and making sure you stay on track. I enjoy the meetings!

So far, it's been a good program to us, and it's teaching us how to live healthier and enjoy life more!

Here are some updates: and proof, that what we are doing, really works!

Week 1: 286 (down 7 pounds)
Week 2: 281 (down 12 pounds)
Week 3: 279 (down 15 pounds)
Week 4: 276.5 (down 18.5 pounds)
Week 5: 274 (down 21 pounds)
Week 6: 271 (down 24 pounds)


Week 1: 223.4 (down 4.8 pounds)
Week 2: 220.0 (down 8.2 pounds)
Week 3: 218.4 (down 9.8 pounds)
Week 4: 215.8 (down 12.4 pounds)
Week 5: 214.2 (down 14.0 pounds)
Week 6: 212.8 (down 15.4 pounds)

Yes, I know you are thinking "how could she weigh so much" but after having 2 kids, and not caring about my self image for so long... that's how I became such a blob. But please, give me some props for changing my life and getting rid of it!

I have to keep telling myself "It took 6 years to get this way, this change is not immediate" but it will too come.

with time.

and patience.

Before Pics

These are the best I could do...
This picture is from the first week we started weight watchers!

Our starting weight

Ben: 293

Ben's projected healthy, normal weight should be between 239-250

Terah:228, yes i really am that fat. disgusting

Terah's projected healthy, normal weight should be between 136-155

my other blog...

My sewing blog isn't taking off like I thought, so I came up with a new idea... I am going to start tracking Ben and my weight loss journey. I will need to back track to when we started... but i want to do it, so I can personally see the progress we have made.

Here goes nothing...