Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weigh in time

Well this week was by far, the worst weight loss week for me... down .8 pounds. I guess its better than gaining. That makes 22 pounds total lost. about 50 more to go.

Ben did well, last week he gained 4 pounds, but this week he lost all of that and some. He is down another 5.5 pounds! Way to go Ben~! That makes 27 pounds lost for him~!

I have been having a real hard time not wanting to shove everything i see, smell and think about, in my face. I haven't been making good food decision, and I have been eating. I am trying to do better, but it's been hard. Plus, next week, we don't have weight watchers, due to memorial day... so lets hope i can keep up the good eating, exercising, and happiness!

1 comment:

  1. A loss is a loss, just remember that. .8 is better than 0. Keep up the good work
